About Nicky
Nicky Perfect is an internationally renowned expert trainer, specialising in communication, negotiation and influencing skills. She has taught professionals world-wide how to maximise their ability to improve relationships through communication.
Nicky has extensive experience delivering high impact training in the UK and is internationally recognised as an expert in her field.
Her expertise includes training groups and individuals in:
hostage and crisis negotiation
siege and conflict management
active listening
risk assessments
values and beliefs
unconscious bias
team work and team building

In her own words:
“In 2008 after 20 years in policing, I became a hostage and crisis negotiator. When I attended the two week incredibly intensive course in December 2008 my world turned upside down.
Perhaps you can relate to this because I had one of those epiphany moments where I realised this is what I wanted to do with the rest of my career and life. I then became obsessed with reading and learning all I could about communication, human behaviour and psychology.
In 2012 I became part of the elite full-time team working solely on hostage and crisis negotiations working closely with Her Majesty's government on overseas training, kidnap and terrorist incidents.
I consider myself very lucky and privileged to have been able to do this. In 2013 I became the Director of UK Hostage and Crisis Negotiation Training, something I only ever dreamed of when I applied to become a negotiator.
In 2018 I retired from policing and after a chance conversation I decided to buy my local village garage and turn it into a community hub providing a garage, coffee shop, and gym, whilst also coaching and training people in the art of communication and negotiation.
In 2022 I was awarded a B.E.M (British Empire Medal) for my meritorious service to the community during Covid - I was both touched and honoured to receive this award and couldn't have done it without a great team working with me.
My purpose is to help as many people as possible improve their ability to communicate.
Communication is the foundation of any relationship. As one of my inspirations, Maya Angelou, once said "people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel."
My Qualifications, Skills and Experience
Nicky holds a further education training certificate, is a UK trained negotiator and has extensive experience of leading and implementing change across the public sector.
2012-present - Performance , Communication Coach and Mentor
Nicky has coached senior leaders, teams and individuals across private and public service. She is an expert trainer to graduates, under-represented groups, middle and senior management. Nicky is able to work with you as an individual or as a group and will tailor her package to suit your individual needs.
2012-present Internationally Trained Negotiator
Nicky has trained the FBI in Quantico and has delivered training across the world in countries such as Oman, Norway, Kenya, Philippines, London, Edinburgh and the USA.
2012-present - Expert Speaker
Nicky has delivered presentations worldwide to diverse audiences. Her previous clients include the Home Office, NHS, BAA, The Prince's Trust, IPCC, Hear Us, the MPS and London Lifeboat Teams, Symbia, Elevate, Grosvenor, PiXL, Flywheel Learning, and 4PB.